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  • Writer's pictureChaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoire

New publication: Democracy, Political Literacy and Transformative Education: What issues and trends

We're pleased to present our latest publication, which is a part of Daniel Schugurensky's wonderful Participatory Democracy project at Arizona State University:

Daniel's work has been an inspiration to us and the UNESCO Chair DCMÉT for a number of years, dating back to when he was a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) and the University of Toronto in the late 1990s and 2000s (Daniel is a member of the Chair's International Advisory Committee). It was at Daniel's 2008 OISE conference on participatory democracy when Paul R. Carr and Gina Thésée met David Zyngier from Monash University in Australia, and the Global Doing Democracy Research Project was then conceived.

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