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Writer's pictureChaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoire

Keynote address at the annual conference of the Ontario Society for the Protection of Cruelty Agains

Paul R. Carr presents the keynote address at the annual conference of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Against Animals in Niagara Falls on June 3, 2018.

Here's the description of the talk:

Social Justice and Education for Democracy: "But What Can I Do?" Paul R. Carr, Professor, Department of Education & Chair, UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education (DCMÉT) Université du Québec en Outaouais In this session, Dr. Carr asks how we can develop and cultivate democracy, and investigates its connection to education, which should be tethered to social justice and political/media literacy. He suggests that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to have a functioning, relevant, engaged, and critical democracy without a functioning, relevant, engaged and critical education. In order to lay the groundwork, Dr. Carr will begin his presentation by elucidating some notions of democracy, some myths and debates. Dr. Carr will then present three digressions (racism, the environment and social media) that may appear to be disconnected and out-of-sync. The last section of the presentation focuses on education for democracy, and, significantly, what I/we can do or might think about doing. Some proposals based on the research Dr. Carr has been involved in related to education for democracy are also presented. Dr. Carr will discuss the complex enterprise that education encompasses, including the fundamental role played by the educator/teacher, with a view to facilitating and cultivating a “thicker” education for democracy.

Here's the powerpoint presentation for the talk: PRESENTATION

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