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Canadian Commission for UNESCO holds its Annual General Meeting (June 6-8, 2018) in Ottawa

Writer's picture: Chaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoireChaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoire

The UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education (DCMÉT) will be participating in the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.

"UNESCO is the United Nations (UN) agency responsible for promoting the International Year of Indigenous Languages in 2019. The purpose of this UN proclamation is to draw attention to – and raise awareness of – the urgent need to preserve, maintain and revitalize Indigenous languages throughout the world.This urgent need is the theme around which the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) is organizing its 58th Annual General Meeting. CCUNESCO is particularly well-placed to collaborate with its members and extensive networks in mobilizing all their resources towards developing a social movement that will make a difference in favour of Indigenous languages and cultures in Canada. CCUNESCO’s AGM is therefore an excellent opportunity to showcase the initiatives and best practices of its members and networks in revitalizing Indigenous languages." (from the CCUNESCO website)

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