WITH Dr. Emiliano Bosio, who has generated a tremendous amount of critical content on Global Citizenship Education (GCED), including a wonderful video-interview series and a number of books. Very happy to collaborate with Emiliano!
Prof. Paul R. Carr discusses with Emiliano Bosio ‘Peace, Solidarity, Social Change, Environment, and Love’ in Global Citizenship Education.
Paul R. Carr is a Full Professor in the Department of Education at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, which is in the national capital region of Canada. He is the Chair-holder of the UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education (DCMET). Specializing in political sociology, his fields of research include democracy, global citizenship, anti-racism, transformative education, media literacy, peace studies and the environment. He is the Principal Investigator of two research projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada entitled “Democracy, political literacy and transformative education” and “Social media, civic participation and education”. He is the editor, co-editor, author or co-author of some twenty books, several series of books and multiple scientific articles, several of which have earned him awards and distinctions. Prior to his university career, for several years he held the position of Senior Policy Advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Education, where he worked with various stakeholders on anti-racist education programs, Aboriginal education, special education, citizenship education, linguistic minority contexts, and social justice education.
To cite this video-interview: Bosio, E. [Dr. Emiliano Bosio]. (2022, October 6). Paul R. Carr, UNESCO Chair DCMET | Global Citizenship Education Interview Series with Emiliano Bosio [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/BZMIp90gUzQ
Useful links below 👇 UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education (DCMET) https://www.education4democracy.net/a...
SYMPOSIUM — https://www.unesco-dcmet-symposium.com/
POSTER -- https://www.education4democracy.net/p...
EPICENTER book — https://www.diopress.com/the-epicentre