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Writer's pictureChaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoire

Participation in the Annual International Critical Media Literacy Conference, Savannah

The UNESCO Chair DCMÉT is pleased to be able to participate in the 6th Annual International Critical Media Literacy Conference, February 23-24, 2018, Coastal Georgia Center, Savannah, GA.

“This multidisciplinary conference is designed to aid current educational leaders, future teachers, youth, and other concerned citizens in their understanding of the mass media and its impact on the events that shape our daily lives. Promoting critical media literacy is essential in excavating social inequalities and fostering participatory democracy during the 21st century.”

Paul R. Carr (Chair-holder), Gina Théeée (Co-Chair) and Michael Hoechsmann (Member of the Executive Committee) will be presenting a symposium, as follows:

Democracy 2.0, Old and New Media, and the Quest for Engaged Participation (Paul R. Carr, Université du Québec en Outaouais; Michael Hoechsmann, Lakehead University; and Gina Thésée, Université du Québec à Montréal)

Chair/Discussant: Ana Cruz, St Louis Community College

The symposium connects with their recently completed book, which will be announced in the coming days related to Democracy, Media and Citizen Participation.

For more information on the conference:

The conference-program:

Friday – February 23, 2018


Conference open/ACME Welcome


ACME roundtable: Who we are, what we’re about (led by Allison Butler, Julie Frechette, Lori Bindig, and Ben Boyington)


ACME Session 1A

“Fake It 2 Make It”: Using CMLE to Fight “Fake News,” Challenge “Conspiracy Theory,” Scrape “SCADs,” and Produce Independent News in our Digital Age” (Dr. Rob Williams, University of Vermont)

ACME Session 1B

Neither Here nor, There: Competing Discourses in the 2017 National Educational Technology Plan (Thomas Bradley Robinson, University of Georgia, Donna Alvermann, University of Georgia)


ACME Session 2A

Student Voice and Problems of Journalism (Ben Boyington, New Hampshire)

ACME Session 2B

Studies in Transformative Community Media: A College Radio Station as a Conduit for Community Education (Karla Haas Moskowitz, Goddard College & the Principal Institute)


ACME/ICML Welcome Party, The Distillery (free food and drinks)

Saturday – February 24, 2018


Session 1A

Viral Curriculum Studies: Towards a Popularization of the Curriculum (Kevin W. Clinard, University of Texas at Austin)

Policy as Instrument of Ideological Control: Incorporating Knowledge of Corporate and Governmental Communications Policy into the Critical Media Literacy Curriculum (Emil Marmol, University of Toronto)

Experiencing the World through Multicultural Lenses: Interpreting and Producing Social Issues Texts in the Classroom (Charity Gordon, Georgia State University)

Critical Action: A Framework for Curricular CML Integration (Ben Boyington, Action Coalition for Media Education; Global Critical Media Literacy Project)

Demystifying Philosophy through video gaming: Teaching Diller’s perspective of angles through Braids (Yacine Kout, UNC-Greensboro)

Chair/discussant: Yacine Kout, UNC-Greensboro

Session 1B

Hermeneutics and the negotiation of meaning in media reports (Laurens de Rooij, University of Cape Town)

Using Literature to Teach Critical Media Literacy (Lindita Ali Tahiri, University of Prishtina, Kosovo

Superheroes in the Classroom, or “With Great Pedagogical Power and Responsibility:” An Autoethnographic Account of a Critical Media Pedagogy in a Transmedial Genre-Based University Writing Course (Christopher C. Jeansonne, The Ohio State University)

The Innovation and Gamification of Music Pedagogy (Mark Laughlin Georgia Southwestern State University)

Teaching “That Lesbian Show”: The Importance of Fostering Critical Watching Skills(Jenna Gomes, University of Dayton)

Chair/Discussant: Danielle Ligocki, Oakland University

Session 1C

The political use of Social Media by neoliberal regimes, to control children, adolescent and youth. The role and the impact of Critical Pedagogy. Virtual Presentation

(Aristotelis S. Gkiolmas, Department of Primary Education, University of Athens, Greece; Constantine D. Skordoulis, Department of Primary Education, University of Athens, Greece; Anthimos Chalkidis, Department of Primary Education, University of Athens, Greece; and Artemisia Stoumpa, Department of Primary Education, University of Athens, Greece)

Chair:/discussant: William M. Reynolds, Georgia Southern University

Session 1D

Gender Wars as “Image-Events”: Media Specularity and the Hegemony of Neoliberalism(Matthew Wayne Guy, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Jennifer Beech, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; and Heather Marie Palmer, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)

Breaking the barriers of sexual harassment in corporate media: How feminist media literacy and social media campaigns expose and confront social inequalities and injustice (Julie Frechette, Worcester State University)

Being Alive: The Role of Masculinity in Sondheim’s “Company” (Charles T. Elrod, University of Dayton)

Chair/discussant: Dr. Brian Lozenski, Macalester College


Session 2A

Music, Emotion & “Lived Experience”: A Phenomenological Approach to Critical Media Literacy (Eric Meyer, St. Louis Community College-Meramec and Ana Cruz, St. Louis Community College-Meramec)

Whiteness in the Backwoods: Critical Media Literacy, Reality TV and Hick –Hop Music(William M. Reynolds, Georgia Southern University, Bradley Porfilio, Seattle University, Danielle Ligocki, Oakland University)

Chair/Discussant: Jennifer Beech, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Session 2B

From white privilege to white complicity pedagogy (Anneliese Waalkes, DePauw University; Jonah Jones-Stevens, DePauw University; and Savannah Wilcek, DePauw University)

White Saviors, saints and sinners: Critical media depictions of teachers’ work in 21st century schools (Eleanor J. Blair, Western Carolina University)

Gilmore Girls, Jane the Virgin, and Black-ish: Intersectionality and Mother-Daughter Relationships on Network Television (Alexis A R Walker, Sacred Heart University)

Chair/Discussant: Derek Ford DePauw University

Session 2C

Who Sponsors Your Viewing? Political Economy for Critical Engagement (Andrea M. Bergstrom, Coastal Carolina University)

Vampires,, and Other Creatures You Should Never Invite Into Your Home: The Neoliberal Invasion Grows Even Bolder (Bill Yousman, Sacred Heart University)

Fighting Fake News: Critical Media Literacy Pedagogy in Staff Development (Nolan Higdon, California State University- East Bay)

One year later: How critical media literacy helps make sense of post-election news and information (Allison Butler, University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Countering Neoliberalism: An EcoJustice Education Approach to Critical Media Studies(Rachelle Marshall, Eastern Michigan University)

Chair/Discussant: Bill Yousman, Sacred Heart University

Session 2D

Critical Intersections: Collaboration in Media and Information Literacy (Natasha Casey, Blackburn College, Spencer Brayton, Waubonsee Community College)

Conceptualizing Digital and Technological Literacies in Makerspaces (Christine Olson, University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Chair/discussant: Julie Frechetta, Worcester State University


Lunch and Keynote Address

Welcome: Dr. Thomas Koballa, Dean, College of Education, Georgia Southern University

Dr. Kent Rittschof, Department Chair, Curriculum, Foundations and Reading, Georgia Southern University

Keynote Address: Dr. Warren Crichlow, York University

Acoustic Activism as Critical Education: Willful Subjects, Cultural Practice and Social Change


Session 3A

Democracy 2.0, Old and New Media, and the Quest for Engaged Participation (Paul R. Carr, Université du Québec en Outaouais; Michael Hoechsmann, Lakehead University; and Gina Thésée, Université du Québec à Montréal)

Chair/Discussant: Ana Cruz, St Louis Community College

Session 3B

New Views on Critial Media Literacy in the Digital Era (James F. Hamilton, University of Georgia; Brittany Walker, University of Georgia; and Jennifer Malson, University of Georgia)

Critical media literacy in an underfunded neighborhood school: How a university-school partnership can promote civic media by applying critical pedagogy (Yonty Friesem, Columbia College Chicago, Aram Ayalon, Central Connecticut State University)

Chair/discussant: Dr. Bobbi Plough, California State University-East Bay

Session 3C

If a Tree Falls – A Media Literacy Lesson in the Power of Omission: The Unfinished Business of Agent Orange in Vietnam and US “Mediamnesia” (Thomas N. Gardner, Westfield State University; Bill Yousman, Sacred Heart University; and Julie Frechette, Worcester State University)

Democratic Freedoms in the Digital Age (Rose Dyson, OISE/ University of Toronto)

Amusing ourselves to death…literally: Youth, moral panics and critical media literacy (Lori Bindig, Sacred Heart University)

Critical Media Literacy: Developing a New Lens to View the World and Ourselves (Angela F. Pack, Montclair State University)

The Propaganda Model: A Critical Pedagogy for Media Analysis (Zane Wubbena c/o Cayman International School)

Chair/Discussant: Allison Butler, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Session 3D

The myth of digital democracy: opt-in bullies, filter bubblers and The Algorithm lords(Adam Dean, Susquehanna University)

Toward Algorithmic Literacy: Tracing Agency Across Algorithm-Centered Online Research (Daniel L. Hocutt, University of Richmond)

The Case for Computation in Critical Media Literacy (Deborah Brennan, Dublin Institute of Technology and Harry Browne, Dublin Institute of Technology)

Assessing the complexity of students’ thinking in critical media inquiry (Theresa Redmond, Appalachian State University, Evelien Schilder, Virginia Tech)

Chair/Discussant: Brad Porfilio, Seattle University


Session 4A

Teachers Finding Poetic Refuge through Dystopian Times (Robert L. Lake, Georgia Southern University; Pauline Sameshima, Lakehead University; Sean Wiebe, University of Prince Edward Island; John Weaver, Georgia Southern University; and Laura Apol, Michigan State University)

Chair/ Discussant: Robert Lake, Georgia Southern University

Session 4B

Digital Media Literacy and the Politics of Childhood Innocence (Julie C. Garlen, Georgia Southern University, Daniel E. Chapman, Georgia Southern University)

Understanding Television and the Production of American Media-Sense (Holland Wild Calgary, AB, Canada)

Disarticulating mediated information about the earth through remix (Theresa Redmond, Appalachian State University)

Chair/discussant: Julie C. Garlen, Georgia Southern University

Session 4C

Teaching Teachers Critical Media Literacy (Jeff Share, UCLA)

Importance of Reflection in the Media Literacy Classroom (Elizaveta Friesem)

Developing Critical Awareness of Publicly Displayed Media, Preparing English Pre-Service Teachers for Civic Engagement and Social Transformation (Camilo Dominguez-Cruz)

Chair/discussant: Danielle Ligocki, Oakland University

Session 4D

On the limits of the sayable: North Korea, racism, and the media war concensus (Derek Ford, DePauw University)

A qualitative research on migrant worker media literacy for the difference and minorities: the MWTV media literacy program in South Korea (Eunbi Lee, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

The Global Critical Media Literacy Project: A network of activist-educators (Action Coalition for Media Education; Global Critical Media Literacy Project)

That Glossy Yellow Border: Reflections on using National Geographic to Examine Media Representations of East Asia in a College General Education Course (Amy Mungur, Green Mountain College)

Chair/Discussant: Dr. Brian Lozenski, Macalester College

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