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Writer's pictureChaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoire

A wonderful experience at the American Educational Research Association conference in New York

The AERA conference in NY (April 13-17, 2018), attended by more than 15,000 participants from a number of countries, included, again this year, a cornucopia of sessions, presentations, meetings, receptions, encounters, get-togethers and intellectual and social moments. Our presentations went well, and we also had the opportunity to develop and consolidate projects with colleagues in relation to an upcoming sabbatical, research on social media and democracy, and two new books. We are also pleased that there appears to be some interest, and, significantly, support for the work we have initiated in the UNESCO Chair DCMÉT. We hope to work more with other UNESCO Chairs, and also with colleagues involved in Freirian and critical social justice research, in the next year or two. We also had the opportunity to present our new book (Democracy 2.0: Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement), which was published by Brill/Sense.Next year’s conference will be in Toronto.

We have included below some photos of the conference (with colleagues and friends, including Félix Angulo Rasco from Spain, Peter Mclaren, fellow Canadian and wonderful scholar, Antonia Darder, another inspiration and wonderful colleague, Nita Freire, whose presence significantly transformed our Freire group's celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Darren Lund, long-term friend/colleague and Virginia Lea, with whom Paul R. Carr presented their new book on Whiteness, and a few other sites).

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