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Writer's pictureChaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoire

Participation in Global Citizenship Education Workshops in Seoul (Aug/Sep 2018)

We have just returned from 10 days in Seoul to deliver workshops, participate in a conference and engage with colleagues from South Korea and around the world in relation to Global Citizenship Education (GCED). We thank our wonderful colleagues at the Asia-Pacific Center for Education on International Understanding (APCEIU), who hosted the events but who did so much more, including organizing social activities, interactions, learning at a range of levels and also, and most importantly, facilitating the coming-together of diverse peoples, ideas, perspectives, experiences and realities to meaningfully develop GCED. We were moved and touched by the human and humane environment and engagement that we experienced. The workshops were extremely important, and we learned a great deal as we developed and implemented them (and hope that the participants did as well). In particular, we learned that we must continue to construct GCED together if it is to be a transformative educational project. In sum, we were delighted to have met so many wonderful colleagues (and friends) in Seoul at the APCEIU workshops and conference, and hope that the relationship will continue. And we extend our most heartfelt thanks and salutations to all of the participants in the workshops.

Paul R. Carr & Gina Thésée


The 3rd Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED (Global Citizenship Education), organized by the Asia-Pacific Center for Education on International Understanding (APCEIU)(, in Seoul for a two-week period starting at the end of August 2018, involved 30 participants from 28 countries as well as several facilitators. Paul R. Carr and Gina Thésée of the UNESCO Chair DCMÉT facilitated the following workshops:

  • Understanding the Regional/National Contexts of GCED

  • Democratic Learning through GCED in Formal and Non-formal Education

  • The Role of Teachers for GCED: Examining Education and Global Citizneship from Critical Perspectives

  • GECD Pedagogy: Teaching to Transform

Here is an overview of three of the sessions facilitated by Carr and Thésée: LINK

APCEIU has a extremely comprehensive and effective clearinghouse on resources, activities, videos, courses, etc. related to GCED: LINK

The 3rd International Conference on GCED: Platform on Pedagogy and Practice Programme Book GCED in Every Corner of the World: Local-Contextualization of GCED

(5-6 September 2018 Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Republic of Korea)

The conference website is here: LINK

The detailed program is here: LINK

The session in which the UNESCO Chair DCMÉT participated was as follows:

Concurrent Session 2B: Community-based approaches: GCED transforming our lives

  • Moderator: Gina THÉSÉE Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Université du Québec à Montréal & UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education

  • Keynote Presenter: Paul CARR Professor, Université du Québec en Outaouais & UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education

Case Presenters

  • Madhuri Eknath RAUT Community Researcher, Abhivyakti Media for Development Patria

  • May-i Pedrosa MALUPING Youth Researcher for YAR project, Philippines, Civil Society Network for Education Reforms (E-Net Philippines)

  • Sharon LÓPEZ Master Programme Coordinator, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Here is the keynote presentation by Carr: LINK

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