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Book Award for Critical multicultural perspectives on Whiteness: Views from the past and present

We are pleased to announce that the book edited by Paul R. Carr along with Virginia Lea and Darren E. Lund is a recipient of the American Education Studies Association's Critic's Book Choice Award for 2018. Gina Thésée also has a chapter in the book.

Citation for the book:

Lea, V., Lund, D.E. and Carr, P.R. (Editors) (2018).Critical multicultural perspectives on Whiteness: Views from the past and present. New York, NY: Peter Lang Inc.

Description of the book:

Whiteness is a narrative. It is the privileged dimension of the complex story of "race" that was, and continues to be, seminal in shaping the socio-economic structure and cultural climate of the United States and other Western nations. Without acknowledging this story, it is impossible to understand fully the current political and social contexts in which we live. Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness explores multiple analyses of whiteness, drawing on both past and current key sources to tell the story in a more comprehensive way. This book features both iconic essays that address the social construction of whiteness and critical resistance as well as excellent new critical perspectives.

Reviews of the book:

“In this time of bolstered white supremacy locally and throughout the world, I can imagine few interventions as timely and urgent as «Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness». Lea, Lund, and Carr have assembled a stunning range of writings—from both earlier and contemporary scholars—who lay bare the endemic and enduring nature of whiteness as normative ideology, its damage to educational and social justice, and our role in dismantling and reimagining race. Packed with troubling insights, this book is one I must read again. Read and reread this book and answer its call to action.”

Kevin Kumashiro, Author of «Against Common Sense»;

Former Dean of the School of Education, University of San Francisco

“This book is a treasure trove of classic and to-be-classic pieces on whiteness and white racial literacy. I can’t wait to get this into the hands of my students!”

Özlem Sensoy, Associate Professor,

Simon Fraser University; Co-author of «Is Everyone Really Equal?»

“In «Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness», Virginia Lea, Darren Lund, and Paul Carr present a marvelous collection of first-rate essays that probe the roots and workings of whiteness from multiple vantage points. The essays, ranging from classics in the field to new works reflecting on identity, teaching, and disruption of whiteness, should be in the hands of everyone who is trying to figure out how to dismantle white supremacy.”

Christine Sleeter, Professor Emerita,

California State University, Monterey Bay

“Simply put, «Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness» is the most compelling collection on whiteness and racism I have read. Lea, Lund, and Carr have assembled a powerful collection of essays from a range of voices, vocations, and positionalities that together are equal parts challenging and accessible, philosophical and action-demanding. I could feel my consciousness growing as I read.”

Paul C. Gorski, Associate Professor of Social Justice and Human Rights, George Mason University;

Founder of EdChange and the Equity Literacy Institute

“Readers will find the contributions in this book important to the discourse and understanding on how whiteness is played out in various contexts in society. Through a series of chapters inspiring authors offer a variety of perspectives that are necessary and important in educational discourse. «Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness» will be a valuable resource to teacher educators, and indeed all courses at colleges and universities as they engage students in some of the challenging issues of the day. The chapters in this book will encourage and stimulate dialogue on an important topic. This book is indeed a valuable contribution to this effort.”

Ann E. Lopez, Associate Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto;

President-Elect, the National Association for Multicultural Education

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