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Writer's pictureChaire UNESCO en démocratie, citoyenneté mondiale et éducation transformatoire

Presentation on Media and Democracy

Here is the UNESCO Chair DCMÉT presentation at the International Critical Media Literacy conference in Savannah (Feb 23-24, 2018).

Democracy 2.0, Old and New Media, and the Quest for Engaged Participation

1. A symposium with three presentations: “And they call it democracy…”: “There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in” (PAUL R. CARR)

2. Playing a critical epistemology card: Building a meta-model for media literacy (GINA THÉSÉE)

3. Where to, Web 2.0 ??? (MICHAEL HOECHSMANN)

Powerpoint presentation available here:

And the live version is available on the UNESCO Chair DCMÉT FB page at​

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